Collection Tin Agreement Form 

Collection tins can be a great tool for fundraising if you are holding a fundraising event or having a static collection in a public place like a bar or shop. It is important for Bradford District and Craven Mind, and the volunteers and supporters who represent us, to carry out collections with the highest standards and comply with the Fundraising Code of Practice.


Contact Details

Collection Details

Terms and Conditions

  • As the main contact for the collection tin(s) you take full responsibility and will make sure it is always secure and not tampered with. 
  • Permission for a collection tin must be granted from the appropriate persons. If the collection tin is for use in a private property, permission should be granted from the property owner. If the collection tin is for use in a public place, the local authority must be contacted. 
  • Collection tins must be assigned to, and overseen by, those over the age of 18, or a responsible parent/legal carer
  • Any donations collected must be donated to Bradford District and Craven Mind, registered charity number No. 1142357 
  • All donations collected must be submitted in full to Bradford District and Craven Mind. No deductions made for expenses or fees can be made unless specifically agreed with Bradford District and Craven Mind. 
  • Bradford District and Craven Mind collection tins/buckets must only be used with unbroken seals. 
  • If the tin is going to be unattended at any time, the attached chain should be used to secure it. 
  • If the tin/bucket is lost or stolen, or you believe the contents have been interfered with in any way, you must contact Bradford District and Craven Mind immediately and report it to your local police as soon as possible.
  • Collectors should undertake their work in a courteous and ethical manner which maintains the high standing of Bradford District and Craven Mind and which places no undue pressure on potential site holders or donors to participate in collections.
  • If you are holding a static collection and have agreed with Bradford District and Craven Mind that you may count the contents, bank and send to Bradford District and Craven Mind, you must do so according to Bradford District and Craven Mind’s policy of two unrelated witnesses. When returning your collection tin to its position you must replace the tamper-proof seals with those provided by Bradford District and Craven Mind. 

Returning your Collection Tin

We would expect for your collection tin to be returned after three months of this being sent out to you. 
After 3 months, a member of our team will be in contact to discuss arranging the return of your tin or bucket or providing an extension. 

If you have a static collection you will be contacted after 6 months. 
If your tin/bucket is full before this time please contact our team by email on [email protected] 

Full details on how we use your data and keep it safe can be found in our Privacy Policy.