Volunteer Placement Award – University of Bradford
We are delighted to win an award for ‘The Most Outstanding and Supportive Learning Environment’ […]
We’re asking people to Do One Thing to join the fight for better mental health this World Mental Health Day.
World Mental Health Day, on Sunday 10 October, is held annually and provides an opportunity for us all to focus on achieving good mental health.
It is a time to raise awareness of the struggles we can all have with our mental health, and to join the fight for good mental health.
Do One Thing could include helping your own mental health, checking up on someone else, or doing something as part of a fundraising challenge for Bradford District and Craven Mind.
We are also asking people to speak out about mental health, especially as Bradford district has lower levels of self-reported wellbeing, higher levels of anxiety, and more hospital admissions for self-harm than England as a whole, according to Bradford Council’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2020.
CEO Helen Davey said: “We will also be supporting the World Federation for Mental Health’s theme of Mental Health in an Unequal World, a theme which is extremely pertinent to our local community.
Together we can fight for change, for fairness, for respect and for life-changing support for all.
Find out more about how you can get involved this World Mental Health Day here.
Or, sign up to our Do One Thing fundraising challenge here.
Posted on: 7th October 2021
We are delighted to win an award for ‘The Most Outstanding and Supportive Learning Environment’ […]
Uzma is one of our longest-serving members of staff having worked at Bradford District and […]
Support for young people’s mental health has been given a huge boost across Bradford district, […]
Ayesha Butt is a Community Engagement Worker based at the domestic abuse and sexual violence charity, Staying Put. Ayesha shares with us a little personal history, and what led her to join the Ethnically and Culturally Diverse Communities (ECDC) programme.