Heads Up Cup scores big for mental health
Supporters of Bradford District and Craven Mind came together for an afternoon of football and […]
The UK Government have set out their draft plans for what the new Mental Health Act could look like and want to know what the public think. Mind is currently writing their response.
If you’ve been sectioned or supported someone who has been, answer their four questions and have your say on the changes you’d like to see to the Mental Health Act.
This is the first step to changing this out-of-date and discriminatory law. The changes must protect people’s rights and dignity, tackle inequality and limit the growing use of force.
It is crucial that the UK Government hears from people from different communities to help make sure any changes tackle the underlying and systemic racism that results in disproportionate detentions and use of force.
Being sectioned under the Mental Health Act is one of the most serious things that can happen to someone. The UK Government needs to hear from as many people as possible, to bring the new Mental Health Act in line with modern times.
Click here to have your say.
Posted on: 18th March 2021
Supporters of Bradford District and Craven Mind came together for an afternoon of football and […]
Reflections on the launch of Bradford 2025, UK City of Culture, from Ian, Trustee on […]
What’s really involved in being a trustee for a mental health charity? Find out from Ruth and Rosema.
Maryam is one of our volunteers at Bradford District and Craven Mind. She has kindly […]