Coming together for City of Cuture
Reflections on the launch of Bradford 2025, UK City of Culture, from Ian, Trustee on […]
Do you find yourself stuck in a rut?
Perhaps you’ve found yourself with far too much time on your hands and you don’t know what to do with yourself?
Then volunteering your time may well be just the answer you were looking for!
Most organisations and charities tend to have volunteers who help and assist with keeping everything running in good order and Bradford District and Craven Mind is one place that certainly does.
Nationally, each year there is a Volunteers’ Week, the aim of which is to bring awareness of just how much time, energy and effort volunteers put in.
After first coming to Bradford District and Craven Mind as a client, I began volunteering for them. I was in such a dark place and after attending Bradford District and Craven Mind’s wellbeing groups that are run by very talented and empathetic wellbeing practitioners, I felt so grateful that I wanted to contribute and help others in similar positions I’ve found myself in.
There are many ways in which one can volunteer. During Volunteers’ Week, Bradford District and Craven Mind got us all together to say thank you and we got to chat in a relaxed atmosphere. I caught up with people who I know through groups as well as connecting with people who I have never met before.
Volunteer Coordinator Donna said:
Volunteers are imperative to Bradford District and Craven Mind. they are absolutely amazing and we cannot do what we do without them.
I asked several people what they get out of volunteering and here is what they had to say.
I became a befriender and now have several people I speak to over the phone on a regular basis.
“I have enjoyed developing the relationship I have with my befriendees – I enjoy talking to them and helping them to not feel so lonely.”
I have been volunteering as an interpreter.
“I enjoy meeting new people while volunteering for Bradford District and Craven Mind, it has helped build my skills and confidence.”
I began my journey by volunteering for Bradford District and Craven Mind and am now a staff member in the volunteering admin team.
“It’s a really good organisation. People are kind, compassionate. The organisation continues to expand and creates more new things. People need it.”
I began volunteering for Bradford District and Craven Mind before the pandemic struck.
I now run the Arts and Crafts group which is on each Wednesday, as part of the Wellbeing service.
I help Michelle with running the Arts and Crafts group.
“At first, I felt I couldn’t do anything like this due to my anxiety and lack of confidence, but now I even run sessions myself which has surprised me.”
I have been volunteering as a stall holder.
“You may have noticed a stall either in The Broadway shopping centre or perhaps at a college where tables are full of information about how to get help and support if you or someone you know may be struggling with their mental health. I’ve been helping and assisting with these. I enjoy promoting mental health, spreading awareness while also engaging with the wider public.”
Posted on: 22nd June 2022
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