Volunteer Placement Award – University of Bradford
We are delighted to win an award for ‘The Most Outstanding and Supportive Learning Environment’ […]
We have added two new groups, Tribal Drumming and Creative Writing, to our well-being timetable.
The Tribal Drumming group has re-started and will be held at Kenburgh House every Tuesday, 5pm-6pm. Tribal drumming is an activity that puts you in the moment, provides a sense of connectedness and induces a feeling of deep relaxation. This session will take away your anxieties as you focus on following the rhythm of the drum beat. As the group is in person, it will be limited to five spaces per session.
A new Creative Writing group will start next week and will be held over Zoom every Wednesday, 4pm-5:30pm. In this group you can contribute to our newsletters, blogs and client projects, and explore your creative side with the power of the written word.
If you are already a registered client at Bradford District and Craven Mind, please contact 01274 730815 or admin@mindinbradford.org.uk to book your place.
If you are not currently a registered client but are interested in joining the sessions, you can find out how to register here.
Posted on: 22nd January 2021
We are delighted to win an award for ‘The Most Outstanding and Supportive Learning Environment’ […]
Uzma is one of our longest-serving members of staff having worked at Bradford District and […]
Support for young people’s mental health has been given a huge boost across Bradford district, […]
Ayesha Butt is a Community Engagement Worker based at the domestic abuse and sexual violence charity, Staying Put. Ayesha shares with us a little personal history, and what led her to join the Ethnically and Culturally Diverse Communities (ECDC) programme.