Heads Up Cup scores big for mental health
Supporters of Bradford District and Craven Mind came together for an afternoon of football and […]
This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Find out what bullying is and what to do if you’re being bullied.
Bullying can happen in many places – on the way to school, in school, in the workplace or online.
Bullying is a continued and unwanted behaviour towards somebody with the intention to hurt them. This can happen either physically (e.g., hitting), verbally (e.g., calling names or spreading rumours), or emotionally (e.g., by leaving people out on purpose).
If you feel like you’re being bullied, here are our tips:
Get support today:
Get ongoing support:
Aditi began struggling with her mental health after being a victim of racism and bullying in primary school.
Hear how support from Know Your Mind has helped her:
Posted on: 16th November 2022
Supporters of Bradford District and Craven Mind came together for an afternoon of football and […]
Reflections on the launch of Bradford 2025, UK City of Culture, from Ian, Trustee on […]
What’s really involved in being a trustee for a mental health charity? Find out from Ruth and Rosema.
Maryam is one of our volunteers at Bradford District and Craven Mind. She has kindly […]